Monthly Archives: December 2014

2014 in review


The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2014 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about 770 times in 2014. If it were a cable car, it would take about 13 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

Lack Of Words.

Lack Of Words.

Is it possible to be speechless or wordless?

Especially for someone who enjoys writing a blog?

It has been ages since I could even fathom writing anything.

Not due to lack of topics…as we all know, there are plenty of things to write about as of late. Dare to turn on the news, and you will be slapped in the face by the most depressing, twisted news stories. Whether it is from a global view, or local view…it is all heartbreaking.

Rarely breathtaking…like literally so amazing or wonderful that it takes your breath away…nope.  It would only take your breath away due to a long deep gasp you might succumb to when watching TV news drama unfold.

But it isn’t just the news. The shows on television are either phony reality shows that serve no purpose other than to make people envious of how much money we don’t have, (compared to those reality stars who claim to be oozing diamonds and dollars from their pores that are sparkling clean from daily facials), or the countless murder mysteries and just plain creepy clown shows  that alternate every night and every popular channel.

This must be the reason why, when given the chance to actually turn on a show I might like, I just walk away with Disney blaring mindless canned laughter or watch half hour cooking contest shows while I clean or zone out on the computer trying to think of something to write, but instead get sucked into social media and news stories that make my head and heart hurt…

So I am obviously proving I haven’t a lack of words. I ACTUALLY have a lot to say. I have been watching myself though because I have learned in REAL life or on social media, that many hot topics can destroy friendships or cause hard feelings.

So we are keeping hot topic discussions in the house from now on( as I vaguely hint at things here)…the good old fashioned way…at the dinner table. We get our news and facts together when we can stomach to watch or read it…and debate it all every so often.

There really are no lack of words in our house, but it has felt unsafe to write my thoughts down on here. I have hurt and offended some, not deliberately, but because I thought my blog was a creative outlet to vent my frustrations or feelings…my modern open diary on days when I needed to get it all out.

I am learning to think before I speak…or type. I am learning that there will never be a lack of words or feelings or topics to discuss or write about, but I must choose those words carefully. I am learning that there are two sides to every story. If CNN makes me question something, check with Fox News…then I can go back to CNN with renewed faith that their word is gospel…just kidding…maybe.

And if in need of some boob tube time, nothing is better than a DVR full of commercial free movies or shows of our liking…and no clowns.